IS IT TRUE THAT MARY NEVER DIED? A Biblical Study of The Catechism of the Catholic Church: Bible Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions about Catholic Beliefs and Practices Full Free eBook at Is It True That Mary Never Died? - Passages of The Catechism of the Catholic Church to Consider: “the Immaculate Virgin…was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things. ” (CCC 966) “ she shares in the glory of her Son’s Resurrection , anticipating the resurrection of all members of his Body” (CCC 974) “But while in the most Blessed Virgin the Church has already reached that perfection whereby she exists without spot or wrinkle, the faithful still strive to conquer sin and increase in holiness. And so they turn their eyes to Mary: in her, the Church is already ‘all-holy’” (CCC 829) Is It True That Mary Never Died? - Scriptures ...
Helping people find answers to the most common questions about Catholicism with answers from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Bible.